Background of the Orphan Project
Kanjanji Orphan Project (KOP) was founded in 2008 near the town of Choma in the Southern Province of Zambia, Africa. In 2012 it moved base to Zamulimu on the banks of the Zambezi river in the Western province. Kanjanji Orphan Project is a community-based orphan care and is totally reliant on charitable donations and does not have any other source of financing available. Needy orphans and vulnerable children, as well as widows supporting such children, are identified with the help of schools in the area and the local church. Support would involve not only school fees, school uniforms, shoes, books, stationery, but also food for the really needy ones. Support to the local community includes assistance to gain emergency medical support and basic healthcare, as well as running various programs.
A number of orphans and vulnerable children are attending preschool, primary school and secondary school with KOP’s financial support. To date, a number of candidates have already been supported through school years and qualified at universities or colleges in Zambia, as teachers, nurses, a health inspector and an accountant.
The Kanjanji base is situated on a piece of land on the western banks of the Zambezi river that was acquired from the local Induna and the Royal Barotse Establishment on a long lease. It is 50 km north of the town of Sesheke in the Western Province of Zambia.
The base development has been completed and has a solar panel system for electricity supply, living quarters for the staff, a fully functional computer centre with 20 laptops for IT training to local school pupils, fresh water supplied from the Zambezi River a well as a borehole, a training centre for adult training and 2 dormitories where groups of up to 16 people could be housed for outreach programmes, for training and for other programmes.
Our main objective is to enable children to be able to support themselves as well as their extended families in adulthood, by providing food, medical support, clothing and school uniforms, stationary and to pay their school fees and university fees, throught their educational years. So far we supported +- 5000 children with the project. The following programmes are also available from the base:
- Pre-school. This is available for all orphans, to prepare them for primary school.
- Support the needy widows and vulnerable adults
- Adult training, such as sewing, cooking, farming and other programmes
- To accommodate groups from churches, schools and charity organisations